Stop heroin ultra rapid opiate detox

Usually when someone asks about rapid detox they are referring to ultra rapid detox. This method is mostly used for opiates like heroin and prescription drugs. If you are thinking about trying ultra rapid opiate detox you may want to think it over very carefully. This procedure is done while the person is unconscious when you are completely under then all the opiates are removed from your body, this can take quite a long time in fact several hours. When the patient comes too they will not experience any heroin withdrawal symptoms. If you have ever stopped using heroin at home cold turkey you will love this type of treatment.
One reason the ultra rapid opiate detox is not used a lot is that it is very expensive and not covered by insurance. So if you want to go this route be prepared to spend several thousand bucks. It may be worth it to a lot of people because of the amount they were spending on heroin. In the long run it is actually a small amount if you stay clean. Now if you relapse is it a waste of money well that is a question you will have to answer.
If you however went to residential treatment where you will learn how to stop using heroin and stay clean. Now in the case that one should relapse after they leave treatment they will have learned a thing or two about how to make it back and stop using heroin, where as in rapid opiate detox you will have learned absolutely nothing. This is why I said one needs to think about this carefully. What ever you decide do not delay take action now and start enjoying life without drugs.
Ultra detox

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