Review On Amphetamine – Meth Addiction

When using amphetamines, tolerance comes very easy together with the addiction. The addict will try to recreate the first high that he experienced while using first time the drug. The worse among them is methamphetamine, known as “meth”, “speed”, “crank”, “crystal”, etc. From here comes the term “meth addiction.”
Metamphetamine is a white powder that can be easily disolved in alcohol or water and can be smoked, snorted or injected. Metamphetamine is highly-addictive, and you can become addict from the first use.
Meth addicts display three patterns of use:

* Low-intensity users are those who use meth casually.
* Binge users consume large quantities in short time. They may not use meth at all between binges.
* High-intensity users are regular consummers of meth.
Meth works on the brain’s pleasure centers, creating an almost immediate sensation of well-being and increase the heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. The first “high” that someone experiences is the most intense, and it can’t be duplicated by continuing to use the drug. People from the last two cathegories are psychologically addicted to meth.
Ingesting meth causes the brain to increase production of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are neurotransmitters. If a small amount of the drug is taken, create effects like decreased fatigue, increased alertness and reduced appetite, and presents symptoms like euphoria, exhilaration. Large doses of meth induce agitation, bizarre behavior, paranoia and short-term memory loss.
Long time use of meth induce anxiety, pronounced mood swings, depression, hallucinations, irritability, rage, self-destructive behavior, violence and weight loss. Long term meth abuse can also lead to tooth decay. Known as “meth mouth,” this condition is linked to dry mouth, a lack of dental hygiene, and a high consumption of soft drinks containing sugar.
Meth is psychologically addictive, and someone who wants to stop using it needs to understand the hold it had on them. People who are learning how to quit using meth need to understand that they are never going to recreate their first experience with it.
Amphetamines are class B prescription and doctors can prescribe them to patients legally, but, unfortunately, they are used by drug dealers at a large scale. We strongly recommend to everyone reading this article to stay out of amphetamine’s use, however, if you or someone close to you have problems with drug addiction, we suggest you to visit
Meth Addiction

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