Talking To Make A Drug Addict Stop Using Drugs

Cant Force Person To Learn From Drug Rehab

You need to know a few things about drug addiction to understand the answer to this question. First, the very most frustrating part is that you cannot force a person to truly get better. Only they have that power. You can say all kinds of things to them. But if they haven’t yet experienced enough deep pain from their drug addiction, your words won’t find a crack in their defensiveness to crawl through. They will fall on ears that don’t want to hear.

There are ways to declare a person incompetent, they might be in legal trouble, they may have to answer to a mental health board. They may attend an entire course of legally required drug treatment and say a lot of the right things. But here’s the important part. No matter how stringent the authority and accountability, the person must be ready to hear the message for them to truly begin recovery. / Thecyn

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